In the short time this book has been available, servers from around the country have been singing its praises. Here are excerpts from just a few of the outstanding reviews it has recieved from actual servers who have written about it online:
“If you also want inspiration how to increase your tips I recommend the new book of David Hayden.”
“Servers: go here and buy this book. Once you read it and apply Mr. Hayden’s techniques and insights, you will start making more money immediately.”
Do You Do That At Home? June 23rd, 2011
“I Recommend This Book For Everyone Who Wants to Make More Money.”
Waiter Extraordinaire June 23rd, 2011
“Everyone involved in the restaurant business can benefit from “Tips².” I’ve been waiting tables for a couple of decades and I got a lot out of reading it. If you run an independent restaurant, unburdeded by the advantage of company-mandated corporate training materials, you should buy several copies of this invaluable resource for your staff. It’ll undoubtedly make your store better and everybody more money.”
These American Servers June 23rd, 2011
“This is a gem of a book. It’s a detailed took at the guts and sinews of our business, full of tips and techniques that can easily make any restaurant shift more pleasant . . . and more profitable.”
Life On A Cocktail Napkin June 23rd, 2011
“What you need to know about this book is that it is not a collection of stories about serving and it is not a Dummy’s Guide to Waiting Tables. This is a book designed for someone who is in the industry and wants to advance themselves.”
Sock Puppet Army June 24th, 2011
“Let me be blunt – if you are a waiter/server/bartender and you don’t buy this book, then you really don’t care about how much money you make. This book is a multiplier of skills and bank. It’s written in a clear, concise yet comprehensive style. It’s laid out logically and covers just about every topic that a waiter needs to know in terms of maximizing his or her earning potential.”
So You Want To Be A Waiter June 24th, 2011